Friday, June 1, 2007

monsoons and development

Another entry, this time in acute depression. Tomorrow happens to be the last day of the summers & it seems the dreaded Mumbai monsoon has finally arrived. So will I be able to make it to the office (& collect the stipend) or not tomorrow as the clouds continue to rumble ominously. We will get to know tomorrow of my fate; I did it if I post & if I don’t know one would ever get to know it.

Monsoon arriving a week earlier to disturb the 9 to 5 time table might just be a welcome relief to an economy coming down the double digit growth rate due to a sluggish agriculture. Perhaps a better monsoon will again push the growth rate over the 10% figure again. Whether the agriculturist will ever get to know of their contribution, we will never know. But that’s sounding like too communistic. All the shitwork about all round development, uplifting of the deprived is anachronistic. Development comes at a cost, so what if the cost is borne by the poor, starved, malnourished skeletons. It’s good after all these numbers are already accustomed to the life of gutter so a little bit of uncertainty added here & there makes no one a blood-sucking capitalist.

And yes these people come in handy when it comes to accepting Aids, or fighting our case in the WTO or making award winning documentaries; not to forget filling in the ballot boxes. So let them survive (remember Matrix), blame them for depressing growth & feed them just that much to keep them starving.


Anonymous said...

suggesting a mass murder? Ever talked to these poor who supposedly should bear the cost of a development? Do you know how many are they in numbers? How fortunate we are that we can sit in a push back chair and type what comes to mind as a free thought. How fortunate we are that these hapless souls who bring down the 'two digit growth rate' has no access to blogs or internet or for that matter - english.

TormentedBuddha said...

sincere apologies if you interpreted my comments in a way i never intended to do
i dont know how much you have interacted with them.... frankly speaking i am a cynic on these expressions.... i have 'interacted' much & have felt strongly but helplessly for them....
hope you dont take this as a comment. was never intended 2 b one....
apologies all the same